Saturday, January 07, 2006

Of wine and workouts?

I was listening to someone at my gym ask a trainer about nutrition advice to help her lose those last 10 stubborn pounds. Good question! However, her reply was not what I had expected. She said that cutting out alcohol can really help lose weight. The girl lapped up the advice. How desperate you must be to cut out the good things in life to look good! Personally, I could never do that. Food and wine are central to my happiness and lifestyle. While I am not a millionaire, I eat and drink like one:)

Even though I am not a huge everyday consumer of libations, I do have a glass of wine with dinner every night. It enhances the flavor of food and I find the relaxation aspect of it very nice. Then I got to thinking about all the great memories I have of drinking wine. Some of my best memories involve friends and wine. In the pictures we usually have purple lips and glazed eyes. Coincidence? I think not and Bacchus would agree with me. I believe that wine is an important part of culture and that is why I try to sample wine at all the new places I visit. A Petit Syrah in Australia, Muscadet in France, Chianti in Italy, Boone's in Alabama, etc.

In conclusion, do I think cutting out wine is worth losing those extra 10lb? Hell no. Why would anyone abandon a hobby? I will cut out lunch before I cut out wine! My memories make me laugh and smile...being 10lb lighter will fade into the distant past and will never make me any friends.


lorioriori said...

boones. such a fantastic, quality choice.

that's why i love you, KP. you love wine, but you sho' ain't a wine snob.