Tuesday, January 24, 2006

March for Life...again

Ah, it's that time of year again. The anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Jan 22) and all the crazies are out to mark the occasion today. Things like this to many Washingtonians are taken with a grain of salt. I guess it comes with the fact that everyday somebody is protesting something. Actually, one becomes really adept at just ingorning the situation...or making fun of it.

Lunch today: "Hey Joe" (well aware that there are 2 marchers behind me) "I'll have an order of FETUS fries today, oh sorry Joe Freudian slip, I mean fries. And I will have the count of ANTI-CHRIST sandwich. Oh sorry again Joe, I mean the count of Monte-Cristo sandwich. And I large liberal lemonade. Can you leave WOMB for lots of ice, oh sorry again, I mean room for ice. Thanks Joe." "Hey Sara, after we are done do you want to have oral sex in my office?" "My husband doesn't mind."

Later on I was asked by a motorist if I could spare change for a dollar to feed the meter. "Sure, I say. I ALWAYS have change" Uh oh I think to myself, is that a fetus bumper sticker? Oh GOD, it is. "Sorry I reply, I can't." She replies "but I just saw it in your hand." K: "Oh my God just spoke and he told me not to do it." Lady: looking peeved "Your God?" K: "Yeah bitch, my god! If your god allows you to spread hate and intolerance, why can't mine? My God TOLD ME that you people are freaks and under NO circumstances should I provide you with meter money. Sounds kind of stupid huh? Imagine how YOU and YOUR god sound to me! Lady: She runs away just as Ms. Meter Maid was approaching. What pisses me off the most is that these suburban mom's come into the city to make a statement and instead all they accomplish is taking up valuable parking space with their fucking mini vans and SUV's. That alone should be a crime.

SO this is what I say to all you right to lifers:
"Kiss my liberal ass and may the fetus you save be gay!"-Love, A bleeding heart liberal


Courts! said...

May the fetus you save be a gay, Satanist, serial KILLER who you will eventually put to DEATH in the electric chair!!!!!!!

Courts! said...

Okay Okay Okay... it's really easy to get caught up in the anger. I think one of the weakest elements of the pro-choice side is our reactiveness. Things are getting really scary for those of us that want to make our own decisions in life, but we have to remember to fight with love. There is a lot of love on our side too - nobody wants abortion to be necessary, I truly believe. I wish we lived in a world where this didn't have to be an option. But until we all show love towards our fellow human beings by providing them with the tools they need to lead the lives they want to lead (ie, education, love, compassion, condoms! birth control! family planning!), abortion is unfortunately a necessity of life right now. And as the universe must provide balance, there will always be narrow-minded anti-choicers (who most commonly agree with the death penalty and loose gun laws, but want to save completely brain dead people with no hope for recovery???)... Goddess willing they will never overturn Roe v. Wade.