Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wrapping up

Well, I bought ALL the airline tickets! Whew! Each leg is with a different airline it seems, so I have STACKS of tickets. Not to mention car rental confirmations and Australian dosmetic tickets for when we fly back down to Sydney to pick up Cappers in April. I am this close (__) to be overwhelmed. There is just SO much to do in such a short period of time. It is hard to be flexible when dates are now set and tickets purchased. I found out yesterday that Cappy + her crate are 13 pounds over the limit to check her as "baggage" so I was told that she must go as "cargo". Instead of costing us $100 to send her from Dulles to LAX it is now $395. How can I possibly say "Nah, that is too expensive" when I just bought her an $1800 ticket from LAX to SYD? I can't, which is why I will suck it up and just pay the fucking $400. My piece of mind just got more expensive and $400 seems trivial at this point.

Cappy seems to know something is up. She sticks to me like white on rice when I come to visit. She also gets veeerrrry nervous when I go to the car. Poor girl just doesn't understand. The quarantine station called last night to confirm her reservation for 30 days at Hotel Quarantine. I won't even go into how much that costs a night. I wish I could say "NO thanks, she'll stay at home with us." I promised her that when we come to pick her up, i will take her swim'n. I promise promise. We are also bringing our camping gear with us from Hawaii so we can camp on our way back to Brisbane once we leave Sydney. That should be lots of fun!

I also gave my 7 day notice to work and my last day is Tues the 28th. I couldn't miss the Mardi Gras party could I? Then we leave on the 5th to go see some peeps in LAX, then visit Todd's fam in San Diego and then off to Hawaii for some R and R. Ahhhh, R and R. It seems so elusive today. Particularly when I have not slept well for a week. Nervous tummy and all.