Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Of mice, men, and Lyme disease?

My dog has Lyme disease. A routine blood test just brought be the happy news. Is the WORLD against me? How come EVERY time I try to get to Oz something fucking happens. If it's not us, it's the dog! Urrrrrrr! No matter! It is nothing a round of antibiotics won't clean up. Only 21 days of 350mg of doxy. For those not familiar with ab dosing this is about what you would give to an adult. My dog is 80 pounds and 3ft long not a 5'5 man weighing 160 pounds. Holy smokes! Well, with that dosing she should be free from about everything including most STI's. No chlamydia for my dog!


lorioriori said...

poor cappy! that is terrible news indeed! OMG, you barely have 21 days before you leave! girl, this will work out in the end, i just know it.

in the meantime, pick up some extra Tums. i prefer the berry flavor, but i know you're a peppermint tums kind of lady.

hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief As Malcolm Fraser (ex prime minister of Aus) "LIFE WASN'T MEANT TO BE EASY" But what your going through is ridiculous Hang in there in kid You will get succeed. J