Saturday, February 11, 2006


Oh my GOD, could it be true? Will we see snow in Feb? I hardly believe it considering last week the temps were in the 60's. Todd left for work with shorts in his bag. No mas! Alas the temps are falling and a BIG low pressure is moving up from the gulf. They are predicting 5-8in at least in the DC area and if the system stalls out, it could be a lot more. Lori, good luck comin' down cause I hear Boston is going to be feeling a blizzard. What a shitty weekend for travel. Oh well, for some reason I agreed to run tomm morning. What the hell was I thinking?

My friend Cornelius just sent me a picture of his 18 mo old Christian. I am going to hire him to shovel my driveway as he appears to be very experienced. Those Germans, their so fastidious when it comes to snow shoveling. My CA boy needs some more training.


lorioriori said...

why oh why must you throw me off course, mother nature? what, you don't want me to get PAID? you don't want me to be HAPPY? what's your beef with me? take your global warming anger out on Bush et al, lady, not on this poor lil' homeless wandering post-grad school job seeker.