Friday, February 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!

In celebration of my b-day this year, I decided to walk down the Australian embassy and lodge my visa application. The BEST present will be to get it back in a timely fashion. We will wait and see. Australia and the US have a lot in common, like culture, food, work ethics, etc. The one thing that sticks out as our most common attribute is this: our governments love paperwork. Lot's of it! They adore it! Need it! Crave it! As a Federal employee I know this first hand. You have to fill out some form called "US-GOV-12-121" to take a long bathroom break. I am sure Australia has something similar. My visa application weighed 2.2 pounds (about 4.4kg) when it was finished. Ahhhh soon it will all be over.

In the meantime, I am going to enjoy a nice lunch at Breadline. I am going to have the tangy curry chicken salad on a whole wheat roll. The roll is so European that it takes the roof off of your mouth. Mmmmmm. Then for after work I am doing happy hour with my pops next door. Finally, I will go home take a bath and crawl into bed early. Todd is gone which means the bed is MINE and all 8 pillows! What more does a girl really need?


lorioriori said...

happy happy day! woo-hoo! what a fabulous idea, to spend it walking to the embassy!

goodbye US, hello Oz!