Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Panda talk

Look at my big boy! His eyes are open and he has grown 3/4 of an inch since his last exam 2 weeks ago. He now weighs 6.2lb. Isn't he adorable? I was having a "challenging" day, but after seeing the new picture and reading the update I feel much better.

From the national zoo panda blog: "During the exam, Mei became anxious as the cub squealed. One of the keepers called Mei away from the den, as she was trying to fit her body through an eight-inch-square window in the den door! After the fourth call, Mei reluctantly came away from the den door to the keeper and accepted some pear, apple, and sweet potato, and calmed down. When we opened the den door, Mei looked in to see the cub and then turned away for a moment before returning to pick up the cub.

Last night Mei Xiang rested on the rock work in the indoor exhibit for three hours and six minutes—the longest period she has rested away from the cub.

Good stuff! You go little guy!

Quote of the day by one of my favorite photographers, John Muir: "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."