Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Photo from Evolve Fish
I love the book 1984 and I like it even more today because I think Orwell's vision has come true. We are living in a totalitarian society where Big Brother (US government) creates "truth" and the Thought Police (Christian Right) who punish out of line thinkers. Strange how Orwell was so accurate in his descriptions of the US in 2005.

I blame a lot of this country's digressions on the Christians. I hate the Christian Right and even more so after hearing Robertson's comments about Chavez. Now, I won't pretend to be a religious scholar, but doesn't the 6th commandment say "Though shall not kill"? Oh, I see "Though shall not kill" applies to everyone but Robertson because obviously he is above the Commandments and God has given him some kind of special privilege to decide what is right for the world. Silly me, I must have missed that announcement on Fox. I say we should assasinate him. Stupid fucker! The more I learn about the Christian faith the more I wish that closed minds came with closed mouths. Ah, so many Christians so few lions.

My friend always used to say that religion was organized by the government as a way to control the masses. How come the meanest, ugliest, and nastiest people I know are Christian's? Does being like this draw one into the religion or does Christianity turn nice people into monsters. They can kill their neighbors and fuck their friends wife but in the end they feel as long as they believe in Jesus and go to church that God will forgive them. I am sorry to report that I am not religous but I have more respect for life and nature than these mindless fucks. I don't need the church to tell me that killing is wrong and sleeping with another women's husband is disgraceful. I use my brain, not the church to tell right from wrong. People should try the act of thinking for themselves. I swear, it doesn't hurt:)

I leave you with this quote: "If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to a garage make you a car?"-Evolve Fish


Unknown said...

I chanced upon this in a googlesearch and didn't find what I was looking for. But I did find your thoughts interesting. It is true that epople who call themselves Christians act appallingly. People who do not call lay claim to any particular faith act similarly as well, but those who are called Christians do volunteer themselves to be judged (since they claim to follow a standard of behavior). Thus any deviance is more apparent. As to why such mean, ugly, and all-around nastly people call themselves Christians, the answer is simple enough. There are benefits to be had in claiming to be part of a large group. So, many selfish people "join" the faith nominally for all the wrong reasons- to further themselves, gain connections, acceptance, whatever, in the process giving those who are there for the correct reasons a horrible reputation.
And as far as the Christian Right is concerned, I haven't seen them punishing any out of line thinkers lately. Toothless lions cannot harm. The best they can do is shame and guilt people, but that is hardly intimidating.
There are a shortage of Christians who have come to their mindset and worldview through reasoning and personal search. But there are a few. Those are the ones that actually reflect the central teachings that are in essence, Christianity. Following dogma is not what it's about, though many opt for that easier path. We are lazy.
Thoughts? I'd like to hear them :)