Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas List

My Christmas list for 2005

1. Less war more love
2. Population control(not through disease)
3. Cessation of rape as a tool of war
4. More trees, more space
5. Fewer republicans, more independent thinkers
6. Fewer religions and more faith
7. Full bellies and clean water which=healthy babies
8. Decrease in poverty with an increase in fair trade
9. Less corporate greed, more charity
10.More pandas

...and no more suffering. If your surprised by this picture, than you need to read more. This should not happen and shame on us for letting people starve. Maybe the US should ask Santa for some ethics this year and Peace on Earth.


Anonymous said...

How about more independent thinkers and less partisanship for your Christmas list? Democrats are just as guilty of being sheep as Republicans. I see this first hand every day.

--your minnesota republican cousin

KMP said...

Ok, fine your right. Less partisanship too. Republicans are ok but that subset of "NEW" Republicans gives you guys a bad name:)

lorioriori said...

screw that, republicans F up everything. the dems don't always have it right, but they are leaps and bounds better than repubs. wake UP.

Courts! said...

Unfortunately, the Repubs are the movers and the shakers, moving and shaking things into rubble. The Dems just stand there and watch and lament how wrong it is. My New Year's wish list: more people like you, KP!!