Thursday, December 29, 2005


I hate moving! Actually I hate packing. I had to take a break from the tedium of stuffing boxes. It is so hard for me to decide what gets packed and what goes. Like what do I do with my bowl full of pennies? I don't want to throw away money but I don't want to lug the thing around with me. Banks charge a fee for taking change and nobody is impressed when you buy your coffee with pennies. God what a dilemma! What about my junk drawer? What box does that go into? God knows that I have raided that drawer in panic moments looking for tampons, safety pins, buttons, quarters, twisty ties, rolling papers, extra keys, advil, gum, cork screw, matches, batteries, etc. I can't just throw those things away! I would not be here today without the saving grace of my drawer.

What really ticks me off is that all of our stuff is going into storage. Not accessible storage but PODS storage. Which means, once its gone...Its gone until you are ready to have it shipped back to you. God I can see myself now...Trying to break in to the storage to retrieve my favorite panties that I packed.

On a good note, my dog got groomed and she looks so good. The best $100 I have spent in a long time.


lizze said...

I hate the unpacking bit. Moving and packing is boring but nothing compared with unpacking.

Maybe you could give the pennies to a charity or something?

Could you blog a pic of your newly gromed dog? Plz?? I want to see ... :)