Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Coming and going

I think it is Wednesday morning. Rough week so far, I don't know what I am doing half the time. I have the canny knack of starting one thing, remembering something about another, getting up to take care of it, sidetracked along the way, and I end up doing something completely asinine. No wonder packing takes so long, look at me!

So, the stuff went into a cargo container on Monday. Due to arrive in Sydney on April 20 and in Brisbane about a week later. We surprised ourselves by actually having spare room in the shipping crate, but alas we left some stuff behind to mail to ourselves. Oh well...nobody said this endeavour would be easy or economical. We took a rest on Mardi Gras because Bacchus would be appalled to learn we were working. I need the god's on my side this year. So I ate King Cake and attended a Happy Hour in my honor at the Black Rooster. It was fun and I got some neat stuff.

Todd is away the rest of the week, so I am doing the last minute packing. It is always the small stuff that takes SOOOOOOOO LOOOONNNNNGGGG to pack. It is hard to find that small stuff a secure space. Oh, the Comcast guy is coming to take the modem so I will not be able to post until next week sometime. My lap top is so old that a wireless card was an expensive upgrade, so that is not an option either.

Anyhoo, I am out but I promise to update ASAP. This is going to be really interesting next week, but don't envy me quite yet:)