Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend, wonderful weekend!

It is a SUPER DUPER Saturday morning here in Bris-Vegas! Just spectacular. It is 9am and about 80 with sun outside. For the first time in months, I don't have to put my sweater on in the morning. Spring is on its way!

Casey is looking up from between my legs under the desk begging. "Where is my piece of kiwi fruit". He loves fruit, actually he loves anything for that matter. Cappy is asleep at the door keeping an eye out for dad to wake up. Ahhh, such a classic tv show morning. To top off that morning, I am going to write all day. Ick...not so nice. I am working on some revisions for next Mondays confirmation and I dread what Peter will give me next week.

To punish myself further I have given up bread for the next month. I am such a carb-o-holic that I can easily attribute the 5lbs (and tightness in the jeans) I have gained to bread. When I lost those 40lbs in 1999, I gave up bread and it just dropped off. My body is fucking addicted to that stuff. It sticks to my thighs. Not fair. It actually gets easier everyday, so I just have to stick with it.