Monday, January 15, 2007

First Uterus Transplant in US

Yes, you read that correctly. A team of surgeons in NYC are planning the first human uterus transplant. Why you ask? Good question. It seems somewhere in our society we have attached a women's "worth" with her ability to bear children. This only seems to be reinforced by our own medical community. One doctor was quoted as saying "For many women being able to bear children is an essential part of their lives" Essential? Really? Will I die without having a child? Essential...Holy SHIT! They never told me that. Oh...he probably means essential in an emotional sense. Oh thank GOD, now wait...that is even more ludicrous! Alarm Alarm! We have crazy women who find it ESSENTIAL to bear children. Give me a fucking break. Shame on him and shame on those women! Both parties put suffrage back to the stone ages. "Oh Katia" you say, "we already had women's suffrage and that sentiment only exists in other cultures!" (I should mention that this whole uterus transplant thing started in Saudi Arabia but we seem to be propagating similar views on women...I won't say anymore.) Hello, lets examine our own culture today: many women think they will be beautiful when they are size 2. Yeah, right! Has anyone looked at that Beckham chic...ugly and she is a zero. Anyway, I am getting off track.

So I agree with one expert that our society puts too much emphasis on this 9 month incubation thing. A woman's identity should not rest on her ability to carry a child. Come on people, being pregnant will be the easiest part of parenting. I don't even need to be a parent to see that.

Secondly, is it really ethical to perform a major surgery that could impact the life of the mother and fetus, not to mention being on immunosuppressive drugs to stop organ rejection, all the in the name of "bearing a child"? This is non-medically necessary and it does not enhance a woman's biological condition. It might satisfy some emotional need but I say do what the rest of us do: have sex with multiple people and take drugs!! If this was really about having your own child than use your eggs, your partners sperm and get a surrogate! Many couples do it! It is the in thing. Shit, I probably could carry my own child, but due to my vanity and time constraints, I would prefer to have someone else carry that burden for me (no pun intended).

Thirdly, I hope these women get a THOROUGH psych eval. Anyone who is that desperate to bear a child has some hang ups. Granted we all have our own but it seems to me that if bearing live young somehow enhances a women's life than she has a sad life. Pathetic really. There are other ways to enhance one's life. Do I really have to name them?

Finally, I leave you with this. Kalhil Gibran said that "Children come not from you but through you" That through you can mean in utero but it can also be through one's heart. It should not matter how a child came to be but if they came to be. As of today the UN estimates that there are 15 million orphans in this world. That is a very sobering number. So while we spends millions of dollars to outfit a woman with a new uterus we could outfit a family with a needy child free of charge? This should not be a question of "can we" but "should we"?


Anonymous said...

I can,t believe your tirade over a uterus implant. Every body knows that a womans worth is measured by the size of her breasts. Thank goodness for implants other-wise breasts transplants would be all the go

KMP said...

Thank GOD you reminded me that a woman's worth is tied to her breast size. Sorry folks, I got it all wrong:)

Greta said...

But katia.... what if this technology allows you to follow your dream of having your own baby panda???!!!

Why stop at human transplants, let's do something that makes really cute babies

KMP said...

Oh, I never considered that! Thank GOD you said something. One panda uterus and ovaries for me please!

Anonymous said...

Oh so now it is something
YOU DESIRE you agree to uterine transplants.

KMP said...

There are enough people in this world but hardly enough pandas. However, you are right...bad me...I am a hypocrite. I am shamed.