Monday, April 24, 2006


Ok, I am not home sick per se...but god I miss my peeps. I have had dinner with Todd every night since we arrived, sans 3 days last week when I went to Cherbourg. Sure I love eating with my husband, but I miss the interesting conversation with our friends. I just want to call up a friend and have them come over for dinner and wine. I miss that...a lot. I also miss my morning walks at the dog park with Ruth, Purita, and Amy. Even having to deal with Bernie's crazy mom wouldn't be too bad. I know what you are saying: "Oh, Katia you will meet lots of new friends!" Of course I will, I am Katia...duh! However, I still miss my peeps. Missing my friends will be something long term and I don't see any reprieve in sight. I miss everyone including their dogs. Uh...I am hopeless.


Anonymous said...

You and Todd and Cappy are sorely missed around here! The place just isn't the same without you!!

lorioriori said...

i didn't know that is how you spell hurnea. hmmm.

i miss you KP, yet i know you are better off where you are! you are persuing a dream long in the making. so give me some time to get my real estate license and sell some shit and fly me and my girl to you and your man!

after all you went through with cappers, i'll be leaving los gatos en mi casa. sheesh.