Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Missile and Dicks

Ah yes, I believe some posturing is going on between N. Korea and the USA. N. Korea is saying look at how big my dick, I mean missile, is and look at it fly. Only it didn't. It went embarrassing. W on the other hand sounded like a complete fool in his press conference when he said (and I quote) "A missile test by a hostile nation is a bad thing and we will have to look into it further." Hmmmm, I think we all know that W, thanks. Of course W's penis is quite small, so he sends Rumsfeld and Cheney out to display theirs. However, Korea does not seem impressed. So here we are. A bunch of men with small peniss' and big missiles. I believe this is a recipe for disaster.

Now a woman would get on the phone and be like "Bitch, why do you have to be so agro? Why you got to flaunt your shit in front of my man? Probabably fake too...Yeah that's right, I called your missles fake. No REAL missile would stand straight up like that... Oh you want to scrap? Bitch be at the corner in 2 minutes and I will bust your ass!" That is how women would do it. With their fingernails and hair pulling. Fair and square.

All I have to say is Katia for North Korean Ambassador!


Anonymous said...

If the plural of platypus is platapi then the plural of penis is peni

KMP said...

Hmmm, I thought that at one point too! However, according to the Oxford English dictionary the plural form is penises.

Anonymous said...

I will bow to a more learned source