Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Material things I miss

I don't miss the US per se, but I do miss some material things from the States. These are some things that I not only miss but CRAVE!

1. Black beans
2. York peppermint patties (I did find some at a "speciality chocolate" shop down town and I bought a bag for $15.00! YOWZA...I used to buy a bag at CVS for $0.99)
3. Bath and Body works Rosemerry/Peppermint body wash and lotion
4. A-1 Steak Sauce
5. Girdelli brownies
6. Playtex tampons
7. Mom's chicken pot-pie
8. Listranni's pizza
9. Good coffee
10. Roosevelt Island
11. Inexpensive paperback books (I have no IDEA why books are so expensive over here!)
12. Ditropan XL for my overactive bladder (not approved and never will be)
13. Inexpensive CDs
14. Whole Paycheck (I mean Whole Foods)
15. Being able to get to another major city quickly (not possible in Oz)
16. Last but not least my friends

In all fairness, these are some things I LOVE about Brisbane
1. Close to the best beaches
2. All the fresh fruit and veggies you can eat
3. Excellent wine (and very affordable)
4. No huge crowds
5. Lots of space
6. Perfect weather
7. Close to Greta
8. 36 hour work weeks (well ok, not for me at least)
9. No hustle and bustle of DC
10. Clean air
11. Being able to afford a yard AND be a student at the same time
12. Line drying my clothes (no one owns a dryer in Queensland!) and feeling evironmentally responsible for doing so.
13. Ease of recycling everything
14. Composting
15. Year round garden of veggies and flowers
16. New friends


lorioriori said...

i'll trade you some milo and berrocca for york peppermint patties and coffee beans!!! for real, the supply is dangerously low.. ah feck it, i'm giving up booze for a month. liver ouchie.

Greta said...


why didn't you just call me?
No Berrocca -- ! girl you can
have some of my stash!