Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Queen's Birthday

We had an excellent long weekend, which we celebrated in style. For the first time in months, we actually got some rain. It POURED on Saturday, which was a welcome sight. By Sunday it was clearing and we decided to head down to the Brisbane Botanical Gardens. The gardens are next to the river and it was a lovely morning alone...without any dogs. We had some coffee and lunch down town before heading back up to the house for some massive cleaning. Being that it was super wet and muddy on Saturday, you can imagine the state of our floors with 2 dogs by Sunday afternoon. Yeah, you don't have to imagine to hard. So we cleaned and cleaned on Sunday afternoon...all day...for a long time. Then I made a tasty snapper dinner and we went to bed early, very nice.

Monday was a beautiful day for a BBQ. We had Greta and Mr. T up plus our new friends Phil and Glen. They brought over their dogs too and we had a great time. We ate and drank for 5 hours. Then we topped off the day with an intense round of Bocci Ball in the park. Such a nice weekend. It sucks to be back in my office with no wine and cheese for lunch. Damn these long weekends!


lorioriori said...

i cannot wait to come visit! oh, um, now that i am "doing good" instead of doing good for my own wallet, it might be a long time before i can afford a trip to you. all in due time...