Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Pleasure and Danger: Explorations of Female Sexuality

That is the title of my new book. I originally bought it to help me with my dissertation but now I am totally into it. Now, I must state that I AM NOT A FEMINIST. I'm not; but I write like one. There is a chapter in my thesis devoted solely to the sexual body and external constructions of female sexuality in Cambodia. Sexuality oppression makes me want to be a feminist but thanks to my mother and grandmother, I don't feel that way back home.

Queer theory is another thing I like...along with Foucault and Mary Douglas. The whole thing about a sexual body being a polluted body makes me uneasy but is reality in many parts of the world. Actually, it is reality at home too. If a man fucks himself dead, he is a "DAWG" if I do it than I am a "SLUT". Still true today in 2008 and probably will remain that way for some time. On that same line, why do men see women as reservoirs of pollution when they are the polluters? Example: The only reason that a sex worker is dirty is because of a man's fluid...yet he is the one that put it there in the first place. Why is he not considered polluted? These are issues I am wrangling with...lucky me.


lorioriori said...

hiya KP! i find this post interesting - i always thought of you as a feminist - esp. if the definition of feminism is that women and men should be considered equal. what definition are you working from? because in the world of fairness and equal opportunity, i think of you as a huge proponent.

in other, non-political news, you sound great! i miss you!